Monday, May 14, 2018

Brown Lucky Leaf 4H Club

Camden has signed up to do 4H this year.  We got a late start so she has to attend the next 2 meetings to be eligible.  This month's was on Saturday at the Waveland Fire Station.

They did the two pledges and then a mother's day project - bath bombs.

Every kid took turns doing some job.  Camden did the first step of mixing all the dry ingredients.

After the wet ingredients were mixed, they were slowly added to the dry ingredients and stirred together.  The peppermint essential oils filled the room with sweet aroma.

This mixture was then poured into molds and ice cube trays to create individual bath bombs and then poured out on waxed paper to dry.

While they waited, the kids did a community service project of taking flyers for the upcoming summer Movies Under the Stars series for Waveland Strong.  I escorted this group of 4 around one block.

Camden is doing 2 projects this year - foods (4th graders do muffins) and fine arts (painting).  She is doing a Painting with a Twist summer camp so she will complete her project during this week.  Easy enough!

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