Monday, February 5, 2018

Winter Camp

Camden spent Friday night and Saturday day at Twin Lakes Camp for Winter Camp.  Besides the length of time, it is also run differently than summer camp in that our church sends a leader for the girls and one for the boys to serve as the "counselors."  The kids stay together with their church group.  It is a great way for them to bond together.  From a picture on Facebook it also looks like it is a very small group of kids - only about 25 or 30.  Her heading is just peeking up behind the kid with the orange coat/hood.

There were 6 girls there by the time we dropped Camden off.  I think only one other one came after.  These are fantastic girls that Kevin and I have gotten to know since we have taught them in Sunday School over the last 4 or 5 years.

We picked her up on Saturday evening just after dinner.  The report from all was it was a great time!

I had never been in the cafeteria so was glad to see this room and have a bigger picture of where she is and what she does when she is at camp.

She is super excited for summer camp to get here!

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