Monday, December 18, 2017


Camden had another book report due this Friday.  They had to write up a summary of the book and then read it to the class.  Afterward, they would field questions from the class.  They had the option to dress up like a character from the book.  Their grade was based upon the summary, presentation, and response to questions. 

Camden read, "Upside Down Magic."  Her character was Nory who was a Dritten.  That is a dragon-kitten.  I couldn't find cat ears and tail this time of year, but was able to make ears simply from a headband and foam board.  I also bought a cat toy at the dollar store that looked like a cat tail.  She was a bat a few Halloween's ago so we planned to use the wings from it to complete the outfit.  Unfortunately, the wings were not to be found, so she decided not to dress up.  She did still want to wear the cat headband and I remembered her cat dress.  She looked fabulous!

I decided to make small wings out of the rest of the foam board and attach it to one of her kitten stuffed animals and we had a dritten!

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