Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Kids Against Hunger

During Love Week at our church, there were 2 outreach events for the kids to do.  The first one Kevin and I assisted at.  A local branch of Kids Against Hunger has groups bag a specially formulated meal to be used in areas that suffer from food shortages.  It is used locally in the backpack project (sent home on weekends with school kids who have food scarcity in home), regionally during natural disasters (tornadoes in southern Indiana a few years ago). and nationally/internationally to the poor (Haiti is a prominent place our local chapter goes to).

They set up everything in an assembly line and the volunteers just have to follow directions.  There is a special blend of grains and nutrients that need packaged, sealed, and labeled.  Camden took turns on one of the grains and then switched to the nutrients at one point.

Everyone wore a hairnet and apron.  Those touching the food had to wear gloves.


Kevin and I worked the sealing machine.  They also made a batch for us each to try.  It was actually very good and would be a welcomed blessing if food was scarce.

Camden also helped at a second day where they packed welcome bags for Pam's Promise, a local transitional housing organization for homeless women and children.  The older ladies of the church helped the kids make fleece tie blankets to put in the bags along with the other items.

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