Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Busy, Busy

We have been doing lots, but not a lot to document.

Camden has been spending time during the week in various places.  Monday and Tuesday Kevin is home.  They do errands, she plays and swims at the neighbors, or they just relax at home.  The rest of the week she is often with GaGa and Grandpa these first few weeks of the summer.  Gramma Pat did come last week and Camden was thrilled to have so much time with her.  Next week she is off to Twin Lakes for 5 nights of overnight church camp.  

We are busy packing (and procrastinating).  Ten more days until we move to an apartment; 15 more until we close; and 20 until we have to be out of the house.  Wow!

In the meantime, the only photos I have taken were of our homemade BBQ chicken pizza we made last night.  We wanted to do something different with the leftovers.  A light smear of BBQ sauce, some ricotta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, and green onions (sprinkled on when it came out of the oven) completed the masterpiece. 

Camden elected to have a simply cheese with mini-pepperoni.  The other half was without chicken and on pizza sauce.  Very yummy leftover dinner!

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