Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Fourth - Park & Rides

After the zoo, we headed over to the large playground area. 

We then made our way around the pond, watching ducks and walking on the railroad track.  Finally, we ended our time at Columbian Park with a few rides.  Kevin and I were anxious to see how she would do.  We are both amusement park people and are hoping for a kid who will enjoy them in the future with us.  Sure enough! She LOVED the rides...especially the helicopters.  She also quickly caught on that she could control how they went up and down.

These horses look tame, but they were actually quite bouncy and Camden loved making them, "giddy-up."

Conversely, these boats were too tame for our "not afraid of anything" girl.  She actually seemed bored about 1/2 way through.  Kings Island, we will see you in a few short years!

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