Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Got Milk?

Camden told me she wanted a drink.  I heard her go into the kitchen and open the fridge.  That's not unusual, but generally means I need to follow her and make sure she's not doing something she shouldn't or getting something that she needs help with.   I found her in the living room and discover she had gotten the almost empty carton of milk, hopped onto the couch, and was chugging it!  Not sure where she has seen that or why she thought to do that.  I did explain that we need to use a glass when we get a drink; although I think between the stiffled laughs and taking the picture, she may have gotten a mixed message. 

1 comment:

Grandma Pat said...

What a little character!! It reminds me of Grampa Jim's son Daryl who got his mom's attention by putting both hands on her cheeks and saying firmly, "I NEED MILK". Guess you knew what you needed, huh Camden? Love you.
Gramma Pat