Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Kevin took Camden to the doctor on Monday afternoon to see how the RSV was doing (fine) and to check on the never-ending ear infection (still going strong).  So after 10 days of Augmenton and accompanying diarrhea, we're still battling it.  Additionally, because we had to rely on pull-ups/diapers for almost 2 weeks, she no longer likes to use the potty or wear panties and has a yeast diaper rash.  Wonderful!  15 days of Nystatin to clear that up.

She also had to endure two shots of even stronger antibiotic at the visit.  It took Kevin and a second nurse to hold her down long enough to get one in each thigh.  The head nurse said it's a fairly painful shot and stings going in.  Camden tensed up so much that she most likely will have big bruises, too.  And on top of that, we have to repeat it again on Wednesday...and if it's still not better, again on Friday.  Then it's off to an ENT for further decisions.

On the stop at Walgreens to get the Nystatin filled and to buy some Ibuprofen for the pain (nurse recommended because of the swelling and pain from the medicine...and the fight to inject it), Kevin bought his baby girl several treats for her suffering - yogurt covered pretzels and a light-up stretchy wormy thing (which is actually pretty cool to play with!).

She almost had him talked into Buzz and Woody stickers, too, but instead got a promise that she could watch it when she got home.  Yes, the poor girl is incredibly spoiled (but sometimes deservedly so!).


ACJ said...

Ugh. Sucks rocks.

For injections Wednesday, try candy in mouth right before injection. Apparently sugar actually has been shown to make things hurt less. And of course, a distraction... something like a gummy worm or gummy fruit berry? Chewy and sweet... I haven't tried it but totally would.

Hope it all ends soon.

Aspiring Mom2three said...

I'm sorry ya'll have been struggling with this so much, but it seems with your last visit, he was able to clear some things up. I don't know of very many kids that do well taking shots. Our daughter was the only one that had to have tubes.

The 1-yr old girl I watch was just diagnosed with RSV yesterday. We were all shocked. They have her on breathing treatments at this time. Hope the rest of your week is better and Camden gets to feeling better really soon.

Jennie said...

poor camden! and poor mom and dad!