Monday, January 31, 2011

House Bound

We've been housebound with our little kiddo over the weekend.  Thankfully, GaGa has helped out several days (or parts of days) so that we can do some errands (and go to work).  Camden is responding well to the treatment for the RSV, although she's still a little "croupy" and has vomitted a fair bit as the mucus is breaking up.   Two of her best buddies from daycare and church are also sick with RSV and both had to be lifelined to hospitals in Indy with complications.  Both are fine, but we are so thankful we caught Camden's early and it's stayed in check (but can't you see the sickness in her eyes?). 

She is having quite a hard time with this round of antibiotics, however.  She has pretty consistent diarrhea and we are back to wearing pull-ups and even diapers since she doesn't always have enough time to make it to the potty.  We're eating lots of yogurt and drinking plenty of fluids, so she's doing the best she can.

We are watching lots of TV and I think I've seen all three Toy Story movies at least 3 times over the weekend.  Thankfully I rented Finding Nemo on Thursday and have a little break from Buzz and Woody.  We occassionally break away to play with playdough, play catch, put a puzzle together or do something else in her room, but we've taken it very easy and lazy.  Kevin and I finally broke out a puzzle of our own so at least we had something more stimulating to keep us entertained.  Of course, baby girl had to help out...

1 comment:

Aspiring Mom2three said...

So glad that Camden is feeling a bit better. Bad time of the year for illnesses. Our older two had RAD (reactive airway disease) and Caleb had to be hospitalized twice. We used a nebulizer way too many times for this and croup. Will be praying for you - it's never easy on parents!