Sunday, May 30, 2010

We're Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

We went to the Columbian Park Zoo on Saturday. I used to go all the time as a kid and loved seeing the lions and Monkey Island, but hated how the old zoo house smelled and HATED the snakes. They have invested a lot of money since I was a kid into the new zoo and it's great. Camden loved seeing the various animals. It was pretty hot, though, so we went through fairly fast.

She wasn't crazy about the idea of a bug crawling on her. Daddy could hold it though and she liked sitting on the big one in front of the bug house.

And the llama was a little to hairy and scary for her to be comfortable...

Tractors and water are more to her liking!

The fountains were a BIG hit. She had to, literally, test the waters at first, but then there was no stopping her (although I did since I didn't want a soaked child with a full evening in front of us).

Yes...It's okay!

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