A few of her latest escapades:
* climbing on anything and everything. She loves going into the kitchen and climbing up on the desk chair. She'll then sit and type on the computer keyboard and run the dial on the mouse. It's truly hysterical to see her mimic us...but frustrating that she is so persistent even when we have repeatedly told her to stop doing this! The gate has been up much more often then before.
* rocking in a chair of her own at home.
* walking on her tip-toes. She'll just be walking through the living room and decide the view is much better when on her toes.
* singing. I'm getting really tired of Itsy-Bitsy spider, You are My Sunshine, ABC's, and If You're Happy and You Know It. But Baby Girl is not...so I sing and sing and sing and sing.
* taking everything out of her bottom two drawers and throwing them on the floor or bringing them to me one item at a time. "OHHHHHH," she'll exclaim...over an old cloth diaper! She loves her stash of hats and likes to put each of them on. It's getting pretty old to keep folding (or not) and putting things back in the drawers. This weekend it's my project to make those drawers her "toy" drawers.
* talking. She loves being on the phone (real or pretend) and has a whole repertoire of words. Standards of yes, no, mama, dada, hi, bye, ucky, etc. Plus special ones like shoes, socks, hat, thank you, ice, apple, nana (sometimes banana), and many more that I can't think of right now.
She is such a joy!
1 comment:
Hi, sweetie pie!!
I'm sorry you haven't felt well, but it sounds like you're keeping Mommy busy anyway! I wish we could spend more time with you. Please come see us anytime you can. We may be in Lafayette the end of this month to check on Grammy, so hope to see you. Are you getting lots of snow today? Throw some snowballs at Daddy!! Love you lots!
Gramma Pat
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