A new attraction since we have been to Fair Oaks is the Pig Adventure.
Like the cow tour, we got on a bus and went to a pig farm down the road. Everything is biosecure here, too, so we could look at the pigs through windows. There were three sections of pigs at various stages of breeding.
Camden's favorite activity was "taking" an ultrasound on a pig statue. Depending on how fast you moved over one section you "found" various piglets (or at least I think that's how it was determined). Camden found 8 on her first try and 8 on her second.
Camden found 17 on her last attempt. The kids also got to print out a picture of their ultrasound to take home.
The final section of the barn we went to was the newborns. One of the farmers brought out the newest piglet to show and to answer questions from the "audience". This pig was 3 hours old.
It sat nicely in the farmer's arms until the end when it truly squealed and squealed. Camden thought it was hysterical.
In the building we left from and returned to there was a really cool indoor ropes course. We planned to do it when we returned but the bus made an additional stop back at the main entrance and we decided to get off there. There was a high course (for adults and children) and a low one (for little kids). Camden thought it looked really fun, but I think the big one may have turned out to be a little too challenging for her and the small one too easy. We opted to play on the outdoor stuff a bit instead.
I do have to say, the inside of the Pig Adventure building was well decorated and had some great signs. My favorite...